Via Minoriti 10 | Catania | +39 095 518 6129



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The Gattopardo House, situated in the historical centre of Catania, within a noble Palace of the 1800's has a view of the bustling Via Etnea.

Via Minoriti, 10,

95124 Catania CT
095 518 6129

346 8617252


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Staying in the heart of Catania also means being in the ideal starting point for all the main places of interest in Sicily



Itinerary Planning

Agrigento, Valley of the Temples

The Valley of the Temples is an archaeological area of Sicily characterized by the exceptional state of conservation and by a series of important Doric temples of the Hellenic period. Corresponds to the ancient Akragas, monumental original nucleus of the city of Agrigento.Since 1997 the entire area has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. It is considered a popular tourist destination, as well as being the symbol of the city and one of the main symbols of the island. The archaeological and landscape park of the Valley ofthe Temples is the largest archaeological site in the world with its 1300 hectares.The birth of the polis agrigentina is linked to the development of the Geloa polis: the city, in fact, was founded in 581 BC. by some inhabitants of Gela, originating fromthe islands of Rhodes and Crete, with the name of Ἀκράγας (Akragas), that takes its name from the homonymous river that bathes the territory. It was one of the main cities of the ancient world, an important urban center both economically and politically

Villa del Casale

Itinerary Planning

Villa del Casale

The villa of Casale is a late-Roman rural residence whose remains are located in the immediate outskirts of Piazza Armerina (EN), in Sicily. Since 1997 it is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.African workers (and perhaps even Roman) worked to create the famous mosaics of the villa, as evidenced by some motifs of definitely urban derivation, for a total of about 3500 m².The villa was descovered by Gino Vinicio Gentili, who in 1950 undertook the exploration following the reports ofthe inhabitants. Relying primarily on the style of the mosaics, the discoverer first dated the layout of the sumptuous house -built on an older farm -not before the middle of the fourth century. Subsequently, the same scholar assigned the villa to the tetrarchy age (285-305). According to Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli, the villa is dated to the first quarter of the fourth century.The exams on the walls have dated the villa and the mosaics themselves to a succession of times that goes from about 320 to 370.


Itinerary Planning

Ragusa Ibla

Ragusa Ibla, today the district of the city of Ragusa, is the fulcrum from which the city of Ragusa has developed. It is located in the eastern part of the city on a hill that goes from 385 to 440 m s.l.m.After the earthquakeof 1693, the district was rebuilt and buildings and monuments were reproduced in the late baroque style. At the beginning of a long staircase, there is the baroque church of S. Souls in Purgatory. The Cathedral of San Giorgio was built between 1744 and 1745, according to the projects of the famous architect Rosario Gagliardi.The district contains over fifty churches and numerous palaces in the Baroque style. In the easternmost part, there is the Ibleo Garden and there are also the excavations of the ancient city, called Hybla.Ragusa Ibla constituted an autonomous municipality until 1927, when it was aggregated to the municipality of Ragusa


Itinerary Planning


It is one of the most important international tourist centers of Sicily known for its natural landscape, marine beauties and its historical monuments.As for the origin of Taormina (Tauromenion, Tauromenium) there are many theories, but they are uncertain for the lack of documentation.Diodoro Siculo, in the 14th book of his Bibliotheca historica, attests thatthe Siculi lived in the fortress of Taormina, living on agriculture and cattle breeding, even before the landing of the Calcidesi Greeks in the bay of Taormina (753 BC), where at the mouths of the river Alcantara, founded Naxos (today's Giardini Naxos), the first Greek colony of Sicily. Dionysius of Syracuse, of Doric origin, and an ally of Sparta in the war against Athens, tolerated for a short time the presence of the Jonici of Chalkida Eubea in Naxos, allied of Athens, and moved against them. The Calcidesi went to occupy the part downstream of Monte Tauro (Sicily), where the Siculians lived together with other Jonic who had previously settled from Naxos.


Itinerary Planning


Located on the southeastern coast of the island, it is the fourth largest city in Sicily bypopulation, after Palermo, Catania and Messina, in the past Syracuse was one of the largest cities in the ancient world and among the largest poleis in the Greek world . Moreover, for over a millennium, until the Islamic conquest of Sicily, it was the most important Sicilian city and the capital of the island in the Roman and Byzantine periods.Characterized by huge wealth and important historical, archaeological and landscape relevance on the ancient, renaissance and baroque profile, in 2005 the city wasawarded the title of World Heritage Site by UNESCO together with the Rock Necropolis of Pantalica.


Itinerary Planning


Etna (Mungibeddu or 'a Muntagna in Sicilian) is a Sicilian volcanic complex originating in the Quaternary and represents the highest terrestrial activevolcano of the Eurasian Plaque. Due to the various eruptions it has constantly changed the landscape, often threatening the different human communities that have settled around it over the millennia.Its surface is characterized by a rich variety of environments that alternates urban landscapes, dense woods that preserve several endemic botanical species to desolate areas covered by volcanic rock and periodically subject to snow cover at higher altitudes.On June 21st, 2013 the XXXVII session of the UNESCO Committee, which met in Phnom Penh, awarded Monte Etna with the title of World Heritage.